Course VIL-1 Visual Inspection of Welds to EN ISO 17637
Duration: 2 days
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Course overview: This course is similar to the PCN Welding Inspector Level 1 course and is set at an introductory level specifically aimed at all personnel who need to be able to visually inspect welded joints. The course covers the main areas of consideration when inspecting welds and finishes with an assessment for a Weld-Class-Solutions Ltd Certificate of Proficiency which is awarded to successful delegates.
Course content: Visual inspection procedures and standards; terminology related to visual inspection, welding processes; weld imperfections, identification and acceptability; different types of materials and welded joints; weld features and measurements; practical assessment of various welded joints; welding documents.
Course outcomes:
On completion of the course you will be able to:
- Assess various welded joints
- Identify features and weld imperfections
- Apply given acceptance criteria
- Produce a weld inspection report
- Appreciate different welding processes and their features.
- Appreciate typical welding documentation
- Appreciate different characteristics of materials and their influence on visual inspection.