Course WPS-1 Understanding Welding Procedures and Welder Qualifications
Duration: 2 Days
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Course overview: This course is aimed at personnel who need to have a good understanding of welding procedures and qualification testing standards related to both welding procedures and welder qualifications respectively. The course takes delegates through the various steps of carrying out welding procedure and welder qualification tests from the start to finish, the technical considerations that have to be interpreted from the standards and managing the documentation.
Course content:
Welding terminology; review of the qualification standards; variations between different standards and code requirements; key areas of approval testing standards; supervising the test; assessment of the test pieces; generating the documentation; production and control of documentation; case studies for effective welding procedure and welder qualification management.
Course outcomes:
On completion of the course you should be able to:
- Understand the requirements of qualification standards related to welding procedures and welders
- Understand the content of various documents involved in qualification
- Understand different qualification testing concepts for different applications and standards of workmanship
- Carryout a qualification test
- Assess the results from the testing
- Appreciate the importance of the welding procedure welder qualification documentation.
Suitable for
Welding inspection personnel, welding engineers and welding supervisors who are required to understand the technical consideration before carrying out welding procedure or welder qualifications.